<<CHECK this site very frequently. I will be regularly posting reading and HW assignments, and occasional class notes.>>
Student info page Discussion page.
-Readings for Aug. 30-Sept. 6: Syntactic Structures Revisited to page 35; Syntactic Structures to page 33 [Please have these 2 books available for class for the first few meetings]
Handout on 'dependencies'.
Note on infinity Multiple center embedding ex's Trees vs. sets More notes Equivalent derivations
Optional, but of interest:
Bever&Langendoen 1971 (on 'garden path sentences'; see esp. p.437)
2018 Syntactic Structures: Formal Foundations (See pp.137-143)
-Readings for Sept. 6: Finish previously assigned readings, then add SSR: pp.35-56; Syntactic Structures pp.33-48.
Strong vs. weak generative capacity Descriptive vs. explanatory adequacy LSLT on acquisition
[[Completely optional:
Chomsky LSLT discussion of no recursion in the base. Lasnik paper on coordination, etc.
Lasnik&Kupin 1977 (new formalization in terms of reduced phrase markers) ]]
-> HW 1, due Monday Sept. 12 1:00 PM. [Homework revision policy.] [[[pdf submission by e-mail to Howard is required. Name your file "Familyname_HWn"; thus, if Howard were submitting this one, it would be "Lasnik_HW1".]]]
-Readings for Sept. 13: SSR to p.105. Syntactic Structures Chapter 7
->->HW1 revision (if you choose) due Monday, Sept. 19. [Homework revision policy.] [[[pdf submission by e-mail is required. Name your file "Familyname_HWnrev"; thus, if Howard were submitting this one, it would be "Lasnik_HW1rev".]]]
-Readings for Sept. 20: SSR to p.134
[[Optional: Lasnik, H. 2021. Levels of representation and semantic interpretation Sections 1-3.]] (This relates to the class discussion about the syntax-semantics interface); Ross 1969 on tree pruning; Lasnik
2018 Syntactic Structures: Formal Foundations (pp.146-149 for my discussion of Chomsky's analysis of lack of do-support in "Who left?")]]
-Readings for Sept. 20: SSR to p.163; 'Wish list' HO on the more restrictive, more explanatorily adequate theory of Ts we are working towards.
[[Optional: Lasnik 1981; Ross 1969 (Aux's as main verbs) ; Chomsky Aspects pp.132-137 (on eliminating generalized transformations in favor of recursion in the base AND the principle of the cycle); Lasnik 2015 "Aspects of the Theory of Phrase Structure"]]
-> HW 2 , due Monday Oct. 3, 1:00 PM. [Homework revision policy.] [[[pdf submission by e-mail to Howard is required. Name your file "Familyname_HWn"; thus, if Howard were submitting this one, it would be "Lasnik_HW1".]]]
-Readings for Sept. 27: Continue Sept. 20 readings
<<<Some things that came up on Sept. 29: Grimshaw 1979 vs. Pesetsky 1982, Ch.1 (on whether we need subcategorization ('c-selection')); Chomsky Aspects pp. 75-79 (on whether selectional features are syntactic or semantic); Chomsky 'Remarks on Nominalization'>>>
-Readings for Oct. 4:
Next topic: Case Theory and A-Movement
"X-bar, Case, Passives, and Government " Handout
->->HW2 revision (if you choose) due Monday, Oct. 10. [Homework revision policy.] [[[pdf submission by e-mail is required. Name your file "Familyname_HWnrev"; thus, if Howard were submitting this one, it would be "Lasnik_HW2rev".]]]
-Readings for Oct. 11: Continue "X-bar, Case, Passives, and Government " Handout; A Course in GB Syntax pp.1-5; Chomsky&Lasnik 1993 section 1.2 [This paper was reprinted as Chapter 1 of Chomsky's 1995 book.]
<<Some things that came up on Oct. 13: Chomsky 1980 p.25-26 for his 1st version of Case assignment (applying at DS), and his 1st approach to WH-phrases and Case. Davis 1984 p.116 has a simpler version of the latter: Case can be assigned at DS or SS (which I generalized in class to Case assignment can apply anywhere in the course of a derivation). Lasnik&Freidin 1981 pp.411-412 for the argument that WH-trace requires Case. Davis 1984 pp.196-199 for an argument vs. the LGB treatment of ECM and for an elegant alternative.>>
-Readings for Oct. 18: Finish Oct. 11 readings
<<Some things that came up on Oct. 18:
Baker,Johnson,Roberts on passive; Lasnik 1981 (on 'want' problem>>
<<Some things that came up on Oct. 20: Fodor&Fodor 1980 (on optionally transitive verbs); Depiante diss. (on null complement anaphora); Bouchard diss. (pp. 432-460 (on Case vs. government for distribution of PRO)>>
[[Optional suggested reading: Lasnik 2008 "On the Development of Case Theory" ]]
[[Optional reading: Vergnaud's 1977 letter to Chomsky and me (giving comments on the ms. of "Filters and Control") inventing Case theory, as published in Freidin and Lasnik, Syntax:
Critical Concepts]]
-> HW 3 , due Monday Oct. 24, 1:00 PM. [[This is my current plan. If we need more discussion, I will extend the due date.]]
Next topic: Binding Theory
-Readings for Oct. 25: Overview of Chomsky's BT handout; Lasnik and Uriagereka Course in GB Syntax. Chap. 2 <<For a much more extensive history of BT, you could take a look at my Some Milestones in the Development of Binding Theory. See pp. 35-37 for summary of the origins of Condition C in Lasnik 1976>> For the LGB part of the discussion, here's a HO with some Governing Category computations.
<<Some things that came up on Oct. 27: McCawley idiom list>>
->Squib assignment 'Proposal' due Monday Nov. 14; squib due Thursday Dec. 15
-Readings for Nov. 1: Continue Oct. 25 readings
->->HW3 revision (if you choose) due Friday, Nov. 4, 12:00 noon. [Homework revision policy.] [[[pdf submission by e-mail is required. Name your file "Familyname_HWnrev"; thus, if Howard were submitting this one, it would be "Lasnik_HW3rev".]]]
<<Some things that came up on Nov. 3: May (1977) thesis.(About QR). Here's a kind of Reader's Digest version of the thesis; Huang 1982 thesis (Ch. 4.2 about 'covert' wh-movement); LGB pp.196-197 (for Chomsky's argument that the binding conditions apply at S-structure, and not at LF, or not just at LF).
-Readings for Nov. 8: Finish the Overview of BT HO; HO on Indexing and interpretation in GB; Some Milestones in the Development of Binding Theory, pp. 35-37 for summary of the origins of Condition C in Lasnik 1976; Governing Category computations; Lasnik 1981 (for detailed discussion of the indexing interpetation problem).
[[Optional: Lasnik 1976 (early version of Condition C)]]
<<Some things that came up on Nov. 8: LGB pages 220-221 on GC without government; Chomsky&Lasnik 1993/1995 pp. 92-101 on problems of interpretation of indices leading to BT without indices.>>
<<2 papers by Fiengo and me, in response to "Conditions on Tranformations" (accepting the framework but rejecting 2 specific analyses): Reciprocals; Tough-movement
-> HW 4 , due Wednesday Nov. 16, 1:00 PM
Next topic: WH-Movement (A-bar Movement) and Bounding Theory - Islands, Subjacency, and refinement s of the ECP :
-Readings for Nov. 15-22:
Subjacency Intro handout
'Brief Historical Overview of Subjacency/Islands'
Irish successive movement footprints (McCloskey)
Nice handout by Jason Merchant on successive cyclicity
<Optional: Rizzi 1982 on WH-islands in Italian; Excerpt from Move Alpha summarizing Barriers framework>
<<Something that came up
Nov. 17: A 2011 LI squib, "Resumption Still Does Not Rescue Islands".>>
Nov. 22 Discussion of HW4. HW4 Notes
<<Something that came up in class: Lasnik&Saito 1991 "On the Subject of Infinitives"
-Readings for Nov. 29: Continue Nov. 15-22 stuff and add the following: ECP HO; ECP HO part 2; Hybrid theory of barriers HO.Hybrid theory+addendum
<<The topic of ellipsis and its nature came up. Here's an old HO of mine about this: Lasnik 2006 "On Ellipsis". We'll discuss it some next time.>>
>->HW4 revision (if you choose) due Wed. Nov. 30 2:00 pm [Homework revision policy.] [[[pdf submission by e-mail is required. Name your file "Familyname_HWnrev"; thus, if Howard were submitting this one, it would be "Lasnik_HW4rev".]]]
-> HW 5 , due Friday Dec. 9, 6:00 PM
<<Something that came up Dec. 6: Lasnik, H. 1999. On the locality of movement: Formalist syntax position paper >>
Dec. 13 Discussion of HW5 HW5 Notes
If there's time, we'll talk more about ellipsis. Lasnik 2006 "On Ellipsis"
>->HW5 revision (if you choose) due Saturday, Dec. 17
1106 Marie Mount Hall
<lasnik [AT] UMD [DOT] edu>
(301) 405-4929
Office hours:
I intend to be in my office regularly Monday afternoons, Tuesday mornings, and Thursday mornings.
Subject matter
-The nature and source of syntactic knowledge
-Formalization of the infinitude of language
-Formalization of phrase structure
-Properties of syntactic transformations
-Syntactic information and lexical information
The following phenomena will be examined in detail:
-English verbal morphology; main verbs vs. auxiliary verbs; development of
theories of these phenomena over the years, driven by considerations of explanatory adequacy. "Head movement"
-'Passive' and related phenomena, where an expression occurs in subject position
but is 'understood' in another.
("John was arrested") "A-movement"
-Relationship between these phenomena and (abstract) nominal morphology. "Case
-Referential dependence, coreference, non-coreference. "Binding Theory"
-WH-movement and related phenomena ("Who did you see?") "A'-movement"
-Locality constraints on A'-movement: islands; Subjacency; ECP
-Ellipsis ("I like syntax and you will like syntax too")
-Chomsky 1957 Syntactic Structures
Walter de Gruyter 978-3110172799
-Lasnik (with Depiante and Stepanov) 2000 Syntactic Structures Revisited
MIT Press 978-0-262-62133-5 [See below for compilation
of typo corrections]
Recommended texts
-Chomsky 1965 Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (Chapter 1 and other
selected portions)
MIT Press 978-0-262-53007-1
-Chomsky 1981 Lectures on Government and Binding (selected portions)
Walter de Gruyter 978-3110141313
-Lasnik and Uriagereka 1988 A Course in GB Syntax (selected portions)
MIT Press 978-0-262-62060-4[[Now out of print; I
will make the book available in the department pdf locker.]]